Aleksandra Conevska 

Welcome to my site! 

My name is Aleksandra Conevska, and currently I am a PhD student in the Department of Government at Harvard University. I am also a graduate fellow at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science and the Harvard University Sustainability Transparency Accountability Research (STAR) Lab.  

I am broadly interested in the politics of climate change and the  environment. In particular, I'm interested in how electoral systems, multi-party competition, and party dynamics can shape policy outcomes. Some of my current work attempts to explain the existence of Green Parties and how the entrance of Greens' as  competitive parties affects environmental policy; why and how age matters for political action on climate; and how income shocks affect environmental policy and outcomes.

My previous research has focused on how natural disasters impact trade in context of the deep preferential liberalization, as well as the status of global food system adaptation,  the institutional design and capacity of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and fossil fuel divestment. 

My research has been published in journals including International Studies Quarterly, Climate Policy, Climate and Development and Energy Research & Social Science. 

You can reach me at: aleksandraconevska[AT]g[DOT]harvard[DOT]edu